So who is, or what makes our sexybitch?
A sexy bitch, as defined by moi:
- Enjoys resistance training which makes you stronger, leaner and fitter as well as feel good
- Uses *good*, wholesome foods as a source of fuel and enjoys the occasional treat
- Participates in yoga and bodybalance to achieve a mind-body connection, de-stress and lengthen muscles
- Takes care of herself by treating herself to a massage once a month and sees to any niggles before they become major injuries
- Goes to dance classes, loosens up and loses her inhibitions
- Enjoys learning new things
- Spends time preparing for EVERY class she teaches
so that she:
- Looks even hotter
- Feels energetic and not resort to junk food and energy drinks to get through the day
- Doesn't stress out and doesn't get tight muscles
- Can keep on teaching group fitness
- Gains confidence
- Can get a new job
- Is a FREAKIN' AWESOME group fitness instructor
This sexybitch achieved sooooo much during 2009 that it would be a shame to let it all go to waste. She has set herself up for a great year, and just needs to keep making those little changes to ensures she takes hold of all those opportunities she gave herself.
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