
Sexybitch was doing awesome until she was driving home from the gym today and was absolutely ravenous. It did not end well... I stopped to pick something up, and it was NOT a good choice. All in all though, I think I did reasonably well on my food intake today.

I made dinner tonight, and the family has just jumped on to the slow-cooker bandwagon. Mum redeemed some fly-buys points to buy one. I am unsure how long the novelty will last or whether it will get regular use as we don't really eat things like stews or casseroles very often.

However, I made slow-cooked lamb with garlic, lemon and oregano this evening. It was delicious. The lamb was so tender and was cooked to perfection. There are plenty of leftovers for a cold salad or wrap tomorrow, I think it will go fantastically with some sundried tomatoes, rocket and fetta. Served with roasted sweet potato, eggplant, capsicum and red onion, as well as a salad with rocket, cherry tomatoes, cucumber and bocconcini, it was a very well balanced meal and is definitely one I will use again. It was very satisfying.

The next thing to do then, in order to secure my sexybitch status, is to ensure that I carry food with me! I think putting a few muesli bars in my car would be a good idea, or maybe some nuts - portioned into some snaplock bags so that I don't eat them all in one go!

In other news, sexybitch is headed to...

Mum, Miffy (sister) and I leave on the 19th of July. Our return flights are not yet booked, but we are planning on staying for approximately two weeks and we are also going to spend some time in France. My uncle lives near Biarritz, and Miff wants to go to Eurodisney. Marshy's recent posts have reminded me of the perils of travelling with family, but I figure it isn't really that long, and if I'm not paying for it, then off we go!



